I’m currently messing around with Termux and trying to install Linux through AnLinux, Andronix and UserLAnd just for fun.
I have mixed success in AnLinux. I successfully installed and started Lubuntu but it was running pretty slowly. I wasn’t able to replicate the install a while later. Also I totally failed to get ArchLinux running.
Now I’m trying Andronix. Wish me luck!
Do you have any experience running a Linux on your mobile?
Android uses Linux.
Before downvoting me consider that it’s factually true.
Technically true, yes. Useful for the question being asked? Not so much.
Yes, it uses the Linux kernel, but usually when people are talking about running Linux on their mobile they’re talking about running GNU/Linux, which is way more free (as in freedom) than any android garbage is. For example it is impossible for me to run arbitrary POSIX compliant shell scripts on an android phone.