tl;dr :

  • Hexchat IRC client app development stopped
  • Linux Mint team was building IRC client to replace Hexchat
  • The team tried Matrix and liked it
  • Linux Mint’s communication channels are moving from IRC to Matrix
  • The desktop app will be named Matrix to avoid confusion
    10 months ago

    the issue isn’t so much with IRC, XMPP, Matrix, or Discord per se (aside from Discord having its own issues) – it’s that every dev/org/group is trying to use a chatroom as a replacement for support channels, wikis, knowledgebases, FAQs, forums, announcements, mailing lists, etc.

    [as the meme states: “I don’t want to join your fucking Discord server just to get basic information that should be on a proper website instead of hidden away in the archives of a fucking chatroom”]