How cool is that?! AntennaPod creates a summary and stats of my year listening to podcasts directly on my device without sending it to the cloud!

My year 2024 in podcasts.

    1 month ago

    I recommend all of these, but it’s not a real summary. I’ve hopped around to many different apps since stitcher died. I like Antenna pod, but I switched to Podverse for a little bit before coming back to Antenna Pod. Iirc, Podverse did the queues better, but only if they had properly added support for the specific podcast. I lik Audio fiction, which means I’m constantly looking for new shows. So I encountered a lot that weren’t fully supported yet, got frustrated and switched back to Antenna Pod. I’ve gotten into the habit now of adding a podcast to the queue season by season, and it works ok.

    And bonus, if you like Audio fiction, follow to find recommendations. It’s great!