“Quick, it made into the news! Damage control, damage control! Reinstate his account, otherwise people will notice the censorship! Let’s pretend that it was a mistake!”
I’m eager to see your guide.
Did they communicate with you about your ban? Or removed your posts?
Nope, I submitted my appeal and even contacted r/modsupport to actually see if there is any truth to the spamming allegations, but nope, they haven’t given a single reply, just randomly brought back my account, just like they briefly banned r/LemmyMigration just to bring it back up as people started noticing them censoring things. They also did not remove any of my cross-posts.
Streisand Effect damage reduction.
Funny tinfoil Conspiracy time:
I’ve been posting on reddit about Reddit blackouts and lemmy a bit lately.
I had a 15 year account suspended yesterday. Never an issue. I mentioned in a thread about the video game Red Dead Redemption 2 that it was fun killing slave owning, confederate, non player characters.
In a mainstream video game. Where it’s part of the storyline.
Banned for inciting violence.
Better not post positive reviews of wolfenstien.
I believe the chapo trap house sub got banned for something similar.