Endlich mal ein ichich, in das ich mich so richtig reinfühlen kann
Endlich mal ein ichich, in das ich mich so richtig reinfühlen kann
Wie verrottet muss ein Döner sein, dass es zum Tod eines Menschen führt??
Wenn ich mir überleg, wie oft Fahrradwege zwischen einer Bushaltestelle und der Straße durchgelegt sind, und wie häufig das dazu führt dass Fahrräder ums verrecken durch die ein- und aussteigende Menschengruppe fahren müssen weil “da ist ja ein Fahrradweg” - Geht da nicht mehr miteinander?
“Lases” is a joke translation for “Reddit”: “Reddit” > “Read it” (as in ‘i read it’) > translated to “Las es” (past tense for “reading something”) or short “Lases”
“Lassmich” in the same style is a joke translation for “Lemmy”: “Lemmy” > “Let me” > translated to “Lass mich” or short “Lassmich”
these translations are grammatically complete bogus and should not be considered “real” ;)
I was just about to ask if the OPs image was the original image that the meme originated from. Guess not (?)
Eh, kinda. It’s comparatively easy to set up an instance, as in “renting a VPS, figuring out how to use docker, installing docker, installing and configuring a reverse proxy, getting an SSL certificate, getting a domain, linking it all together, figuring out docker compose, and finally getting the instance connected to the open web”.
But the upkeep of an instance is a whole other story. Constantly keeping an eye on user numbers, server and client performance, storage usage, needing to scale the machine up with a growing userbase while also managing the cost and somehow finding the cash to run it, plus the dread of being responsible for the data of users on that instance, requires a strong mind and a lot of time.
While the technicalities are somewhat “easy”, expecting anyone to spin up an instance and manage the influx of hundreds to thousands of users in a short time seems unrealistic.
100 GB ? that’s cute. I work in a film production company for advertisements, where the recent trend has been for the crew to return after 3-5 days of shooting, with RAIDs filled with somewhere between 15 and 25 TB of raw data. no fun to store all this.
I always felt like the audio quality is similar enough to not matter - but only when one person is speaking. As soon as you’re talking while others talk, there’s this weird crosstalk effect that sounds absolutely horrible, and this has been in effect since Discords birth.