It’s Patrick, he took out life insurance!
It’s Patrick, he took out life insurance!
Lexx + Starwars Squadrons. That would be so cool.
“GOD: An Anatomy” by Francesca Stavrakapoulou.
“An astonishing and revelatory history that re-presents God as he was originally envisioned by ancient worshippers—with a distinctly male body, and with superhuman powers, earthly passions, and a penchant for the fantastic and monstrous.”
Don’t be so hung up on getting a job you hate. The secret they don’t tell you is that pretty well everyone hates their job. Get out and pursue things that seem interesting to you, and don’t be afraid that you won’t be good enough, that was my big downfall when I was younger. Since then I’ve held many wildly different jobs.
I started pursuing IT since I love computers, but ended up hating being an on-call computer janitor. I did fire surpression, then IT sales (hated that too), then randomly got a job on the railroad. After bouncing around the railroad I have now ended up as Jack of all trades master of none handyman that does maintenance for a nonprofit, and I love it.
I was more surprised than anyone to find out that I preferred working with my hands, and working outdoors. I had always dreamed of a cushy job with a nice office where I could wear fancy shoes. But now I’m a nerd for workboots who absolutely does not thrive in an office environment.
But essentially I’m saying try not to sweat it. It may take you a long time to settle into something you like. Don’t be afraid to go outside your comfort zone because you just might like it.
Of course I know that. And I did die. Just mildly. WooooooOOOOOOOooooooo!
I have been pleasantly surprised the last several days. I was a little disappointed with the content at first (though I did enjoy how it felt like the “old” internet), but now that the apps have rapidly improved (connect is great!), and I’ve started subscribing to some interesting communities I really love it. It’s like a kinder gentler reddit.
As a man who mildy electrocuted himself working on his own house yesterday I must say I’d rather be an influencer.
-Blade Runner -Black Dynamite -STALKER -Solaris (Russian original) -The first four Lexx made for tv movies (I Worship his Shadow, Supernova, Eating Pattern, Gigashadow)
Sometimes it’s better if your employer doesn’t know everything you can do. If you’re not careful you’ll end up Inventory Controller/shipper/IT services/reception/Safety officer, and you’ll only ever be paid for whatever your initial position was.