More than a little.
More than a little.
If you have the google app, on the landing page there is a camera icon. You can either use lens live that way, or upload a pic and it will tell you what plant/animal/etc it is, sometimes, or iirc it will translate texts. But it does both in real time too. I have an iPhone and use it a lot.
If you have the google app, on the landing page there is a camera icon. You can either use lens live that way, or upload a pic and it will tell you what plant/animal/etc it is, sometimes, or iirc it will translate texts. But it does both in real time too. I have an iPhone and use it a lot.
Greed, deregulation, and at least in my country, the powers that be don’t give a shit about the plebes, but have incentives to destroy the world to feed their already overflowing bank accounts.
Maybe look for peer to peer type setups. Iirc Babel has one. Basically you’re just chatting with someone else. Iirc they also have a live class thing, which might be good too.
Personally I’m using Duolingo for Spanish, along with watching movies/shows in Spanish (still at kid level so cartoons mostly) and a site (who’s name is escaping me right now) that has a ton of videos that range from very simple to much more complex.
If it makes you feel better, so do I. I’m ALWAYS cold. I’m built for desert weather (except your stupid monsoon season. Fuck that noise).
Everyone’s going on and on about how hot it is this last week, and I’m like guys it’s barely been touched 90 like twice. I’ve been in heaven. I’m finally not cold all the time.
San Diegan here. Beach. That’s what we all do. Pool works too. And of course AC.
Get as much cold air inside overnight as possible then close all the doors and windows a little after sunrise. If your house is well insulated it’ll keep it relatively cool until after lunch. Also, keep the blinds closed on the side of the house actively getting sun.
Light weight or moisture wicking clothes.
Fans. Lots of them.
Damp washcloth on your neck or a spray bottle to mist yourself. If you want to step that up, put the washcloth in the freezer for a bit then wipe your face/neck down.
I agree with this. I tend to be more of a “California hippy” as my far more conservative friends tell me.
Necessities need to be taken away from people who profit from them. At the very least. Realistically, probably less things should fall under capitalism, but if we start with transportation, medical, housing, education, fuels, electricity, etc we would be doing much better.
I agree that people should be able to do as they please, with a caveat. As long as it doesn’t affect other people. Guns are a pretty good example here (I’ll get back to this).
The environment is screwed, and I truly don’t think we can stop the spiral, but agree we need to try.
I’m waiting for all the angry replies to this one. Guns need to go away. Not completely, but we need to move to where they are only kept and used by highly licensed and highly insured people, or at highly regulated and insured clubs/establishments. Everyone having guns doesn’t work. Just look around.
And while I’m at it get all money out of politics. Bye bye lobbying. Close loopholes for all government officials that use their insider info to benefit their bank account.
During summer 78-80. 78 is for husband. But prefer windows open as much as possible. Winter 70 or so. 75 if I’m really feeling like being a little less uncomfortable and paying out the ass for it.
I’m weird though. I generally think 80ish is my happy place.