I would rather be misinformed than disinformed. Either way you have a chance to learn and grow, but at least with misinformation you can come by it honestly. Disinformation is far more grave of an issue
They say ignorance is bliss, so I’d probably be happier to know a little. Unfortunately, I already know more than a little and it’s not easy to unlearn, so I guess I’m cursed with awareness now
However, if you only know a little then you’re more susceptible to (dis/mis)information. That can have a tremendously negative impact on your quality of life - although I suppose you might not be aware of it
The world would be a better place if we all knew more about it. The only reason why knowledge is cursed is because with knowledge we see how unfairly a few humans treat each other
Oh hey, that’s awesome! I’m glad someone found something I said helpful 😃
I don’t ever want to oversell a self-help book because their usefulness really depends on the person reading it, but honestly this one has been life changing for me too.