It’s a rabbit hole. You know those iceber charts right…it’s like starting at the tippy top and reaching Marianas trench. If you’re still at the top of the iceberg it’s time to reconsider that and take into account other’s experiences.
It’s a rabbit hole. You know those iceber charts right…it’s like starting at the tippy top and reaching Marianas trench. If you’re still at the top of the iceberg it’s time to reconsider that and take into account other’s experiences.
Oh, I agree, I use both and I find it very useful to have reddit around, but I am active here too…if that makes any sense
Post your content here if you want to have alternatives. Whining about lack of alternatives and not using them after you find them is pointless, imho
This is a sponsored app, if you notice it’s an add. They likely paid to get there. The actual search result is below the add
Not really, his supporters are dumping so much money for his legal defences, he’s got 3 PAC, of which he’s using 2. On top of that it appears that he’s OK with investing his own money if that weren’t enough. And he’s got billions of private funds…