I’ve also read convincing theories that he was on the spectrum, which could explain a lot of his challenges interacting with people, as well as his obsessive tendencies.
I’ve also read convincing theories that he was on the spectrum, which could explain a lot of his challenges interacting with people, as well as his obsessive tendencies.
3 comedy points.
Who sneezed on my beans?
If you can show me Roman furry artwork (for a friend who really wants to see it, of course), I’ll withdraw my whole line of comments.
There was a post the other day about a “powermod” from reddit who was doing the same thing with lemmy communities - snatching up dozens of names and squatting on them. Folks are rightly asking for restrictions on the number of communities any one person can mod, along with other safeguards to prevent power-tripping.
Coming down from the trees was a pretty big blunder. Nothing but losses ever since.
It seems plausible that the vapor trail of changing air pressure behind a bullet could create a momentary channel of increased conductivity and/or particle density as air rushes back into the void created by the passing projectile. I wonder if the effect is persistent enough to enable a static discharge all along the path though.
Sure, but yelling isn’t going to have any risk of accidental collateral damage. Encouraging a bunch of fucking idiots to shoot wildly at clouds seems asking for tragedy.
I just want my phone to stop changing its to fucking it’s. Goddammit, stop fucking changing a valid word to something else.
You could train them to stop that.
It boggles my mind how many cat owners just submit to the will of their furry little masters.
They are smart, and thus can understand some level of cause and effect. Which means that they can be trained. For my cats that has always been as simple as “you wake me up, you get locked in the laundry room.” It only took a month or so for them to get the message.
Xzibit said it was okay.
Gotta train them that doing that doesn’t get them the outcome they want. I make it a policy with my cats that if they wake me up, they get yeeted to the basement.
When they were new, that meant picking them up and carrying them to the laundry room and closing the door. It evolved to me simply carrying them to the top of the stairs and setting them on the top step, and now all I have to do is open the door when they scratch or yowl and they scatter. It took a while, but now they only bother me at night when there’s another cat in the yard and they want to get to my window to look out.
I’m the opposite. I like it when the cat curls up on my feet, but I’m not a fan of just letting them stalk through the house and jump around freely when I’m trying to flipping sleep.
They can’t not do that, so they get shut out. And I taught them early on that if they yowl and scratch at the door on the middle of the night, they’re just gonna get launched down the stairs.
Cats only get to be the boss if you let them. They absolutely can be trained to not be total tyrants.
Closed, because of cats.
Oh and also for fire safety, I guess.
Because if you leave off the !, your device will try to open those links in email.
This is delightfully random and weird.
You shouldn’t repeat rumors you heard without any actual evidence at hand to back them up. That’s just baseless gossip. It’s poison spewing from your mouth to the ears of anyone who hears you.