Or it’s the day before March 1.
Or it’s the day before March 1.
Your job is automating electrons, and now some automated electrons are threatening your job.
I have to imagine this is similar to how farmers felt when large-scale machinery became widely available.
Internet Archive likely wouldn’t be able to handle it. They’re already struggling currently, as it is, and dumping a few petabytes of caches of the entire internet onto them probably won’t help.
Fuckin’ A.
The Dreamcast really was ahead of its time. VMU-linking was honestly a really excellent use of the tech available at the time, and opened the doors for a lot of really interesting ways to play games. Some games even had single-player minigames you could access from the VMU, so you could play while you were away from your console.
If Sega had marketed the Dreamcast better, it could’ve really dominated the gaming scene at the time. It had a lot of features that were way more advanced than its competition. Hell, Sega could’ve possibly still been in the hardware market today if their consoles sold better. Sometimes I wonder what the gaming space would be like today if Sega was still making consoles.
I can finally take on General Kenobi.
Fuckin’ A, man.
Goldfish > Swordfish > Megalodon
Bank of America deez nutz
The first computer I got regular use out of was an old Apple II (or Apple ][ for the real ones), which I used almost exclusively for playing Zork.
After that, I got some hand-me-down computer from my grandpa when I was about 15. Had a Pentium II, 1 GB of storage, and an whopping 256 MB of RAM. Used it to play Starcraft, chat on IRC, and post on forums back when those were still fun.
While I would understand your reasoning for doing so, I would be disappointed to see it happen. There’s decent discussions on Beehaw that I enjoy taking part in, however if you guys decided to defederate or switch to a different platform entirely, I doubt that I would make another account somewhere else to follow. I like Beehaw’s content, but I have enough accounts to keep track of these days after everything split from Reddit, so it would ultimately be a loss for me.
I’m not sure if this is a commonly-held opinion for those of us outside of Beehaw, though.
It’s also effectively unusable and largely full of spam, as a result. Blocking that magazine makes browsing the All feed actually functionable.
Not really. Money’s tighter than usual, and work has been more stressful than usual. I’m burnt out and just need a little reprieve from everything right now, y’know.
You sound like exactly the kind of kid who needed his Xbox taken away.
It’s because after a certain point, YouTube stops updating the view counts in real time. Some other stats (such as likes) will still update, though.
Maybe you could get her something she can enjoy with the kids, like a board game or something.
deleted by creator
All this does is is flag the number as in service and it will get even more calls.
That’s not how it works. If the number rings at all, it’s in service. They know your number is valid before you even pick up.
That’s generally how it works, yes.