I still have a Gen 1 Das Keyboard as well
Algotrader and software engineer
Livestreams irregularly at https://twitch.tv/CodingAndCoffee
Shitposts and memes at @CodingAndCoffee@mastodon.social
I still have a Gen 1 Das Keyboard as well
My girl craves bananas and will circle the table when my son and I are having breakfast, demanding her share. She also likes pita chips.
My old boy (RIP) used to love avocado and seaweed snacks.
My teenage son and I (who never watched the show as a kid) just finished season one. We laughed about how many times the dude has died and revived already. It’s quite ridiculous.
Just this one picture gave me semantic satiety for the word don’t
This resonated so much with me. I am nearly 40 and have spent far too much of my life obligated to others and not setting healthy boundaries. And of course, now that I’ve realized that and started setting stronger boundaries with people about what they may and may not demand of me, there is anger and pushback that I am declaring sovereignty of my own time.
Lying and pretending to know something who’s actually a complete stranger to them
When the stranger is a drunk woman in distress clearly trying to get away from a predator.
LLMs are ideally suited for replacing corporate middle managers everywhere.
Yes that’s my understanding as well
I’m probably skipping some steps, but lowtax banning hentai drove the weebs to 4chan, and 8chan. 8chan was the home for all the “Q” posts that started Qanon which riled up the Republican base and led to the Jan 6 insurrection
Blessed units of measure
You sound like a good person who returns their shopping cart
Is is a deposit, or a down payment 🤔
I’ve been working out 2 hours a day and started playing daily sudoku and lichess puzzles
If you’re congested, put 12 drops of the spiciest hot sauce you can get in a small cup of water and gargle it and swish it around like mouthwash.
You won’t enjoy it, but you will be able to breathe.
I can confirm for you that northern California is nicer
You visited the worst parts. No wonder.
Try Yosemite, Oakhurst, Morro Bay, or Monterey.
Yeah, I’ve thought about this a little bit but again my math isn’t so strong.
I guess approaching this more from computer science (something I’m more familiar with) you could compare with stuff like the NP Hard class of problems. And thus I offer that unproveable does not mean “wrong”. We generally “know” that P=NP is wrong but we cannot prove it only because we lack omniscience. Us lacking the information (in the physics sense of the word i.e. Hawking radiation) doesn’t mean the information isn’t there to be quantified.
Yeah, when writing this I sort of had the notion that any argument against hard determinism using quantum mechanics would instead 1) actually prove multiverse theory, and 2) therefore still prove in favor of determinism.
Maybe? My layman understanding of that topic is that the act of observation collapses alternative waveforms down to a single observed state. And if that’s the case, why couldn’t you “observe” the whole brain?
It’s been over a year since I unboxed it, but my Nintendo 64. Last game I played was Majora’s Mask and it suffered a hard reset in the stone temple that made me box it back up.