Have you actually thought about the first point in your second list, the door? Imagine the machine is running and actually full of water, and turning it off releases the door. Would that really make you happy?
That said, your other points in that category are fair, and honestly incredibly weird. I never had a washer do any of that, but I assume it’s to stop your clothes from wrinkling. Are you sure that can’t be turned off?
I also had a pebble 2 hr, even had two because I bought another one off eBay (unopened box). 3d printed some buttons and used is for many years until the battery basically died, and the software started to show it’s age. Notifications became unreliable and such things, making it kinda pointless.
Still want nothing more than for it to work properly again. It’s easy enough to swap the battery, now with the ability to fix the software, there might be a point to it.