wouldn’t be that difficult.
The amount of times I said that only to be quickly proven wrong by the fundamental forces of existence is the reason that’s going to be written on my tombstone.
wouldn’t be that difficult.
The amount of times I said that only to be quickly proven wrong by the fundamental forces of existence is the reason that’s going to be written on my tombstone.
Look at this fancy guy using an abacus. Everyone knows the superior way is to harness your own mind as your computer.
It’s way worse on C and it’s family. I still have nightmares with undocumented embedded dependencies that are so intertwined with the codebase that make JS look like a godsend.
The dude who made the Task Manager? God damn, this dude singlehandedly carries Windows holy shit.
Well, he constantly wears what I can only describe as an attempt to make a power armor straight from a 2000s live action sci-fi, constantly screams that everyone is dumb and that “The Great Observer” will free believers from this simulation, believes that if he remains hidden for a couple of minutes, police will simply lose him like this was GTA, and other dumb shit.
I know one person who does. And, of course, everyone thinks he lost his marbles.
Well, considering most android apps are written in Java (mostly Kotlin, but it uses the JVM still), I guess it could.
However, Bedrock is vastly inferior in terms of quality, and performance is not an excuse for it.
I never understood the “Minecraft Bedrock was made so it could run everywhere” argument. Like, wasn’t Java’s moto “Write once, run everywhere”? Why settle for a garbage version of the original, when the original can run on every computational device made within the last decade?
For games, I still pirate them for a couple of reasons, one of them being monetary. However, if the game is good, I buy the game afterwards to support the developers, and if it’s bad, they won’t see a dime from me. I might be a pirate, but I have honor.
The only complaint I have, and it’s not really a problem with the OS itself, is that the Realtek driver is unstable at best, and will crash every five minutes.
And OP talks about Alchemy, which commonly uses the energy that different materials have inherently to create magical artifacts.
It’s literally using what God already created.
If it involves pointers, not unlikely.
Easy: murder everyone. Which will probably be the course of action this Skynet will take.
I think the Butlerian Jihad can’t do shit against Judgment Day.
The data doesn’t lie. But the analyst that studied the data does.
I swear statistics was one of, if not the most confusing class I ever took.
Honestly, given the context of a browser, Javascript’s “Everything is better than crashing” philosophy does not seem too out-of-place. Yes, the website might break, but at least it would be theoretically usable still.
Yes, a statically typed language would help, but I’d rather not have one that is “these two types are slightly different, fuck you, have a segfault”, but rather one that is slightly more flexible.
With C, you need to carefully craft your own gun with just iron ingots and a hammer. You will shoot yourself in the foot, but at least you’ll have the knowledge that it was your craftsmanship that led to it.
With C++, there are already prebuilt guns and tons of modifications that you can combine at will. If you shove it in the right way, you can make a flintlock shoot a 50 cal, but don’t complain when your whole leg gets obliterated.
And yet somehow it evolved to become something that will last to the heat death of the universe.
I’ve grown used to it with time, though. Once you know it’s “quirks”, it’s not so bad.
Damn, that’s a shame. He in the EU, there’s tons of laws that can be used on cases like that, and many times, they are and work.
Hope things get better for you in the future.
Did you get the broom closet ending? The broom close ending was my favorite!