This just in from WRPSA (World Rock Paper Scissors Association) a breakdown of different variations on the game:
Betteridge’s law of headlines: No.
I swear 1/2 the frozen mass outside right now is a mix of various salts of sodium, potassium, and magnesium. Do all cities suck at snow plowing?
Hey, that’s our new metal band name: Speed Queen!!
Eschew bifurcated clothing!!
Star trek comes to life, yet again.
ELI5, please?
Nice Try Rudy. Pay your debts.
Within reach on my desk, Unisonic LC-384 Dual Power Solar and Battery Backup Pocket Calculator - I’ve not owned it the whole time, so I looked around and see it was produced on or around 1982. It works just fine.
It has a minimal listing in the Calcuseum (
Only if the fire has been continuously running. Otherwise you started a new fire.
I knew the face, even the image was familiar, but I just don’t watch TV, and famous old white guys all look so similar, so I looked it up. Figured somebody else might also wonder, so be a good Lem and saved some folks a click.
I had trouble with your link, so here’s some similar ones:
I saw something like this, which piped exhaust from a generator thru a container of water and algae, with the idea to capture the co2, etc produced. Sure why not. I’ll still prefer trees.
They are soooo delicious! Whenever I’m in the PacNW I try to find some to eat. Tho’ it seems like the locals just treat them like a nuisance.
Let’s not forget sink holes. :-D
I’m in a sitting position, one foot beyond my desk, with my feet about 10 inches off the ground, and my butt is about 16 inches off the ground. I fall on my ass comedically, amidst loud cursing.
I’ve been trying the subtle ‘send friends cool posts from the fediverse’, as I wasn’t having much luck explaining what the fediverse is/ why we should leave the corporate social media behind.
In which I learned that Helen Keller was trans…