Cause that guy is an alleged pedo. Probably better to not have him in a meme anymore when there are also way better alternatives.
Cause that guy is an alleged pedo. Probably better to not have him in a meme anymore when there are also way better alternatives.
Solange es nicht mit handgranaten schmeisst, ist es glücklicherweise kein reenactement von Animal Squad.
Good meme but pls:
That was a joke Art installation AFAIK a decade back.
Me too. Gives you the farts and they taste like copper. My mum used to put it in everything and i always disliked it. Since cook at home i never use them in and never will.
Has any of the rapists or apologists in ubisoft had any repercussions yet?
Then i am not interested in their games anyway.
Only one has an alleged pedophile in it and it is not spongebob.
Nice meme but please:
Try guild wars 2. Very good game with lots of content and you can socialize without paying monthly.
Dübeln klingt super, aber ein anschnaller klingt wie das ding für den sicherheitsgurt im auto.
Musst auch nicht so ein gesicht ziehn. Mit vorbereitung ist sowas spannender als normaler beischlaf. ;D
Es fällt mir irgendwie schwer eine gescheite übersetzung für pegging und strap-on zu finden. 🤔
War ja klar das der olle frankenwaller früher oder später mal hier auftaucht. Jetz fehlt nur noch der kurpfalzkarpfen.
Nice meme but please.
We have all seen how that worked out with R. kelly. There was a lot of evidence back then aswell, but he had money and fame to keep it under wraps.