A quick glance at their post history shows anti-trans rhetoric.
My own comfort
Why is this not updated in the F-Droid repo?
It’s crazy how this image that should have essentially only 3 colors has significantly more.
Because that makes the liberuls hippo-crates. Duh.
You lost me at “Trump Derangement Syndrome” which is a term only used to gaslight people who have legitimate issues with Trump.
For people who really think it doesn’t matter, then why does it matter so much you waste your time complaining?
I don’t know what this is referring to, but GoDaddy can suck an entire warehouse of cocks.
It does, they’re just user-submitted
It would have significantly improved this post to spend the very small amount of time to crop out the black sections.
Just like ur mom
The venn diagram of people who play music on speakers in public and people who are a thin thread away from stabbing you is a circle.
Also, I live in the US, so the medical fees for getting stabbed is not worth the risk.
I’m surprised they didn’t immediately go with Lizard Humping A Square https://en.opensuse.org/images/2/25/Oscover.png
Huh? No I am not. I am quite familiar with what I am talking about.
I’ll take a swing at it. I’m curious how I’ll do if I just wing it.
Logic is a set of rules that can be used to form repeatable results based on given information. It’s often built using one’s own knowledge and experience. Logic does not require producing accurate results. Flawed logic is still logic. Logic also does not guarantee that the results are the desired results, this is sometimes described as “garbage in, garbage out”.
Is that satisfactory?
Being in a family that is nice to each other is not exclusive or in any way more likely for Mormons, or really any religion.
If anything it could be easily argued that it would likely trend away from religious households, but without solid data I think it’s better to assume it’s most likely to just be the same likelihood regardless of religious or spiritual beliefs.
However, in the case of Mormons, they actively train their followers to effectively disavow even their own family if they choose to move away from the religion.
Feel like sharing your experiences that makes you feel that way?