No one said linux doesnt work, the Person just said this is one point why He uses Windows.
Building your own Software is definitely exaggerated.
My graphics applications dont work properly (Affinity Suite), my Video Tool barely works although its supported natively (davinci), my DAW (maschine) and my music Hardware (maschine mk3) dont work at all. Installing my vsts is very Tricky (aome dont work at all). My cloud storage has no linux Client (proton drive). This is just the most important stuff for my use case, which keeps me from switching to Linux.
How is thst wrong? I second this, and 1 and 2 are the reasons i am not on Linux yet wirh my main PC. Win 11 runs without issues for me, i cant install Essential Software and Hardware thag i use on Linux and Apple is expensive and i really dont like the Windowmanagement and some other Quirks of macOs. btw i use all three of them, win 11 on my main pc, linux on my old laptop and macOS at work.
I also use it since win 95. And really gad no Problems over the last years. Maybe the start if win10 was a little rough but after that no issues.I have used it for All kind of stuff: gaming, graphics 3d and 2d, game dev, programming, a lot of music production, writing and just tinkering around. I am no admin though, so i have no opinion on that. The only Thing where performance was bad, was on my old laptop which i Switched to Linux, but on my main PC no complaints. I do wish to switch to Linux at some point but right now some Software and Hardware i use just isnt supported, so there is really no good reason to switch now.
Well there is a lot to critizise on Windows, but to be honest i didnt have any Problems with Updates, crashes, installing Software and drivers or anything Else on Windows in years. Even upgrading from win 10 to 11 caused no issues. I do want to switch to Linux when the Hardware and Software i need is eventually supported, because i dont like all the privacy issues on Windows, but from a Performance and stability point of view i really cant complain about Windows at the Moment
Bitte darum, nicht den guten Namen von Big L zu besudeln:
Ach und verstehe mich nicht falsch, ich wünschte es wäre anders. Aber so lange ich eben ein paar Programme und Hardware nicht unter linux nutzen kann, macht der Wechsel für mich leider keinen Sinn
Ach das erzählt man mir seit über 10 Jahren. Klar es ist ein wenig besser geworden, aber immernoch weit davon entfernt für einen Großteil der Nutzer in Frage zu kommen. Einzig beim gaming hat sich richtig viel getan. Waa linux evtl “retten” kann ist die Tatsache, dass jede Menge Software inzwischen eh nur noch als webapp entwickelt wird.
Vor zig Jahren war das besser als WhatsApp. Als Facebook WhatsApp gekauft hat bin ich zu Telegram gewechselt und habe es mit viel mühe geschafft den wichtigsten Teil meiber Kontakte dahin zu bekommen. Eigentlich würde ich inzwischen gern zu Signal oder threema wechseln, aber ich glaube ich schaffe es nicht, die Leute von noch einem Wechsel zu überzeugen
Bevor Unternehmen den software Support für linux nicht massiv verbessern wird dich da nicht viel tun. Leider begründen die wiederum den mangelnden Support mit zu geringer nutzerbasis, ein Teufelskreis
Das würde ich vielleicht nochmal überdenken. nach kurzem googeln zeigt sich, dass der Münster Tatort ca 11 Millionen Zuschauer hat. Die Tatort Wiederholungen die gerade laufen werden mitten in den Sommerferien von fast 6 Millionen Zuschauern gesehen. Eine Statistik auf Statista zeigt: Einschaltquoten gesamtpublikum RTL: 8,3% Einschaltquoten gesamtpublikum ZDF: 13,9 %
Die jammern (auch vor Gericht) rum, dass die öffentlich rechtlichen einen unfairen Wettbewerbsvorteil haben. Das ist unter anderem der Grund, dafür, dass Titel so schnell wieder aus den Mediatheken verschwinden.
Ist eher ein Problem der Herangehensweise. Die Frage “was will der Autor uns damit sagen?” Ist in der literaturwissenschaft eigentlich schon lange kaum noch ein Thema-> Oderästhetik
Wenn du heutzutage Literaturwissenschaften studierst, lernst du da kaum noch diese Autor zentrierte Methodik
My main Problem is with my music production Software and Hardware, which cant be easily installed with wine. Other than that i have affinity suit which works with wine, but not without Problems. Lastly i use davinci resolve, which claims to Support linux natively but barely works.
I use Windows because i need to use certain Software
Im old aparently, :(
After some Research and reading through the answeres here i think you are right. I do appreciate all the suggestions, but ditching my vsts and especially my Hardware really isnt an Option for me. I have spent too much money on them and i love working with them, and for a lot of them, there really just is now alternative that cones close to the quality. I dont want to talk down on all the amazing work the foss community has created, but i hope people understand that i dont wabt abandon my (expensive) collection. And in the end, my goal is to make nusic and not tinker around with an operating system. Maybe i will try a dual Boot solution. It really is frustrating though, i would really like to switch to Linux and i dont mind to put some effort in. But it seems that as long as the companies behind all the software dont Support linux, i will have to Stick with Windows.
I have fedora on my laptop and pretty happy with it. I know Vital and it is a great synth. But my vst library Contains a lot of stuff with live sampled Instruments like strings, horns , guitars, Bass and so on and while there are foss alternatives that are decent, they are nowhere near the Quality of a lot of paid stuff (there are exceptions of course). I really dont feel comfortable with ditching the quality i am used to and basically Throw away all the money i have spent on them.
I dont know about push but machine plus Uses a Linux Variant. But i guess they just use the same for push, because why wouldnt they. And yes this is extra frustrating because aparently they can make their stuff run on linux
Schwedisch-deutsches r/imsorryjon ?