Den Schnee auf dem wir alle talwärts fahren, kennt heute jedes Kind!
Den Schnee auf dem wir alle talwärts fahren, kennt heute jedes Kind!
I’ve definitely had to handle 30gb plain text files before so I am inclined to believe twice as much should be just as possible
I assume different people have different needs, but I feel so much more content with life when I get up early and drive my bike to work/Uni. Having some structure forced onto me is just way easier than living from day to day. But I have also struggled with depression in the past, I may require it more than others do.
In my personal experience void linux ran the smoothest on all my old laptops (compared to stuff like arch and antiX, I defo didn’t try everything).
Als ob es nicht schlimm genug wäre dass diese 14 jährigen Kinder mir Klassen voraus sind.