10/10 will rot in place, making more damage.
10/10 will rot in place, making more damage.
And now his watch has ended.
Not sure Rick when one can insure a hole in one is just a business decision.
But I get it health housing and catastrophic losses could be better monitored and regulated.
Restrict first amendment rights.
Zapp brannigan Vs. Dr. Fainsworth?
Fixed this for you
Not voting for Montgomery Burns.
That’s some seriously radioactive shit
Yes, that’s one issue. The other is a merging lane entering a HWY is not parallel to the HWY Making rear view mirrors look at the road behind and not at the HWY where one’s merging
Great username. On this event where “everything is suspiciously right” and you’re waiting for the other shoe to drop is a form of anxiety.
As it happens in the world that affects the mind, if you’re up does not mean someone somewhere else is down because is not a zero sum event, we can be up, and down at the same time for different reasons. This reminds me of the tale of two cities where 'it was the best of times it was the worst of times" sets the dichotomy of our existence.
I think he’s explaining Florida merges where the oncoming ramp is about 35 degrees from the HWY, where turning up and back is too far and the rear view mirror will show you the ramp, not oncoming traffic until you’re in a 100ft merge lane.
Thanks for the update the After shocks died to me when the last pair fail on the left side 3 times after replacements. Usually lasted a year or so, but the last pair died so soon it felt wrong. Went to a Chinese no brand thing on $30 that I can replace without thinking about the tag while trying to find a good one.
Then listen to the Smile, from Tom Yorke.
House of cards is one that has grown into me for the emotional content. Love weird fishes /arpeggio and all the others but that one is the one from in rainbows that I like a lot this season.
“shot himself”… A day earlier, as he had a deposition against Boeing.
Our tovarich
Tryna Holla at me.
Y’all need Jesus
Do you have numbers to compare?
Honestly I counted the fingers on the image to make sure I was not been bamboozled into a LOTR AI meme
To the structure of that building, more. Less everywhere, that’s the silver lining.