‘He’s out of line but he’s right’. I mean, is a bit ironic to give this level of permission to a program that is too malware-like to protect yourself from exactly that. We’re talking about hospitals, airports and airlines, government agencies… many critical systems, so much information’s security rely on a (foreign for most of the world) private company.
Take this with a pinch of salt, I’m not a programmer just a nerd that likes those kind of things. I tried them years ago first swift (I think it was in version 2) and a couple years later rust, and while both are great I found swift makes it easier to write clear code you’re gonna understand and like when you come back to it. Rust was better I think with concurrency (at the time), you’ll catch everything at compile time, but they talk about interoperability with c++, so this safety will be lost since most code interfacing with c++ will be unsafe.