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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023


  • Completely agree. I hate heat with a passion. My 2 biggest annoyances are lawn mowers being loud and neighbors outside all day with kids that scream their fucking lungs out. Just high pitched fucking screaming for hours on end.

    I know i used to play outside when i was little, but never did i yell and scream uncontrollably for fucking hours, driving anyone in a 200 meter radius fucking insane. Sorry i just don’t get it.

    Edit: im sorry if i sound like a boomer. Im autistic and the screaming is giving me a fight of flight reaction. Often i don’t care. But a family 2 houses down screams sooooo loud. Not even laughing or anything. Just pure high pitched screaming. And they will go on until 10pm or so every day if the sun shines.

    I use noise canceling earphones but i can’t and don’t want to wear those all day long.

  • I am not gonna lie… Hardware video acceleration on Linux has traumatized me so much. I have spend soooooo much time over the years dealing with this shit. I has gotten better, i admit. But before you had to make sure all the stars aligned perfectly to make this shit work properly. Hell, even last week i found out that hardware video acceleration did not seem to work on twitch.tv on my firefox browser. After 2 days of reinstalling my Linux distro, drivers, many different ways of running firefox such as the rpm version, flatpak etc. I found out opensuse removed the mesa drivers that included the codecs i needed… i found out about it through some old reddit post comment with 2 upvotes… Even now i am having issues with running sunshine streaming. And it drives me insane because it SHOULD work. But it doesn’t. It could be the flatpak not having correct access. It could be the driver. It could be wayland. I don’t even know anymore… it just refuses to find available codecs. Then i tried steam remote play instead. And it streams… a black screen with only my cursor showing.

    I don’t know anymore. I don’t care anymore.

    Oh another fun one is geforce now. On Linux if you use hardware acceleration, a certain part of the grey/black color spectrum is missing from the video stream. So games are quite darker and it makes games like dead by daylight completely unplayable as most dark spots are completely black. If you run it without hardware acceleration it works fine… but then you get very bad lag, stuttering and slowmotion at higher bitrate. So that is also unplayable.

    Hardware video acceleration on Linux is a disaster and really deserves more attention. Every now and then it works and then something updates and everything is broken again. I currently just dual boot because i use sunshine and geforce now a lot.

    Sorry for the long rant. I didn’t know i typed this much. But it honestly really deserves some attention as it can really mess up the users experience. Often without their knowledge.