Privilege is so convenient, in so many ways! I mean, who gives a shit about any of it, I’ll probably never be affected!
Boo hoo.
People who make memes mocking the expectation of a source are the ones responsible for the downfall of society
I bet the people on the dark side of the moon agree
WSL has no direct connection to the host file system. WSL’s drives are virtualized. Which is a real fuckin peach when you just want to copy things to and fro and end up discovering this 😅
That’s their txt2img thank you very much
Oh yeah it’s easy to confuse an envelope for a bulbous pin if they’re the same color. I nearly mailed a letter in a turkey baster the other day so I get it
Uh, are you geometrically dyslexic?
Nothing in a third party software suite should be able to defeat Microsoft’s security. So yeah, it was a problem Microsoft needed to fix in Microsoft software. If there’s something grub also needed to attend to, that’s a different matter as far as Microsoft’s concerned.
It was a Windows vulnerability that allowed an exploit box GRUB
Cue Sarah Maclachlan 🤣
I mean, there are many of us who live on the CLI and scripting world. Ask him what he wants to do and explain that for anything he wants to do, you can write a script and from that point forward you can do it by typing a word and pressing enter and sitting back and watching the computer do all the work
Nextdoor is the Boomer HOA of social media
Being edgy just isn’t a concern for most people
*Subjunctive Mood
*This makes me irrationally angry