Thank you! Can you please help me again? I can’t seem to find my swipe Library. I found This online. But I don’t know if this is the right one?
Thank you! Can you please help me again? I can’t seem to find my swipe Library. I found This online. But I don’t know if this is the right one?
How can I load the swipe library? My heliboard can’t swipe :(
Isn’t it proof enough? Using the Sudoku example: there are certainly different levels of difficulties, depending on how many numbers are set in the beginning and other parameters. Checking if the solved answer is correct, is always the same “difficulty” - thus there is no correlation between the difficulty of the puzzle at the beginning and checking the Correctness. Some people might not be able to solve it, but they certainly can check if the solution is right
There was this dude who applied for art school. They rejected him, which basically led to WW2 later on.
Ich habe in letzter Zeit auch zwei solcher SMS erhalten. Also falls sich jemand berufen fühlt:
+4917645776499 +4917661539380
Reminds me of the situation in Germany at the moment. The federal constitutional court ruled 60 billion € Climate Credit for saving our future to be illegal. The Christian Party sued because of a dumb rule. But we just gave the military 100bn € out of the back pocket.
Für mich klingt es zu sehr nach “Klo-Onkel”.
“Ich geh mal den Klo Onkel besuchen”…
It’s crazy how so many people think it’s okay again to be openly antisemitic only because the conflict with Israel escalated again.
Achso, die haben eine Message und es geht ihnen nicht nur darum, dass möglichst viele Autofahrer zu spät zur Arbeit kommen?! /s
War zwar nur /s, aber viele verstehen die Namensgebung falsch. Gemeint ist die “Letzte Generation vor den Kipppunkten”
For a second I thought they where Owen Wilson and Katherine Parkinson
As a German, it always feels wrong being at a HipHop concert, when the crowd does this arm up and down thing.
Relevante Statistik zu dem Thema: https://www.destatis.de/DE/Presse/Pressemitteilungen/2023/03/PD23_N013_46241.html
Postillon hat mal wieder einige gute Artikel zu dem Thema!
“Hey, have you read today’s news: There where several cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, China, with no known cause. Probably only a local problem, which will be under control in a couple of weeks, tho. So don’t worry about it” - send by IE
Thanks again!