We fucking didn’t. Our lords n masters decided they needed a new underclass to keep them going and this is all gonna end very very badly. Importing people from fucking fighting nations into polite nations causes 2 fighting nations.
We fucking didn’t. Our lords n masters decided they needed a new underclass to keep them going and this is all gonna end very very badly. Importing people from fucking fighting nations into polite nations causes 2 fighting nations.
I’m just saying what is. If you want what I think should be, I’m a non Randian libertarian. Big on personal responsibility and the risk of consequences and consequences of risk, less on being a whiny bitch about everything.
“This shit” is a sign you need to go back to school
That’s right. Nothing is a human right. Many humans have rights outlined in their countries constitutions but even those are easily stomped on with usually little consequence
The WEF really is infiltrating governments with their pawns. One of Canada’s national papers is finally acknowledging this, and its the more left one.
Holy shit. You ever have that moment when you realize you’re talking to someone way the fuck smarter than you? I understand what you’re doing, good explanation, but I don’t want to play chess against you.
Man, I’m a voracious reader, my heads full of words I probably put the wrong emphasis on but it ain’t like when i was younger when i would completely and consistently mispronounce words i could spell, and no one would correct me, because they didn’t know either. But this one, I absolutely would have caught this one. Every author, reporter, newscaster, writer I can think of, has apparently spelled or pronounced it wrong and seems it’s in some dictionaries, i just learnt.
ah. youve read the mormon bible.
I have never heard nor saw it spelled “remunerate”.
Dude, you haven’t even read the theory papers behind the system you’re promoting, you just made that very, very clear and I bet you don’t even know why.
Oh look “it wasn’t real communism”. Moron
You deserve to live under communism.
Fucking liar and stupid too
Sometimes people make it really plain they’ve never travelled.
Nice try. Go be facetious somewhere else.
Oh look, wildly left wing people deriding centrists as far right. Weird.
My main reasoning was the lyrics claim to hate racists too. I thought the whole thing was a joke of sorts.
My understanding was both Mark Knophler and Axl Rose were doing the same thing, writing a song from a dumbass bigots perspective, it’s just that people hate Axl and automatically ascribe the worst motives (despite a literal black man playing guitar on that GNR track).
it’s not. you’ve met bad cooks.
you are so close to admitting it’s imaginary