Bro missing the wis gains
I had one last week here on claiming the average person could feed themselves for years by growing cherry tomatoes from 6 tiny plants. Bro is supposed to be a big-time agricultural bigwig
Sounds like you need to lay down the weed and touch some grass bro
Where are you buying pesos at 1400?!
Also, the blue exchange is so small that it doesn’t even affect the economy
ITT: people who have no working knowledge of file system navigation complain about the lack of such knowledge
Look man there was a wholesale offer on body paint and momma didn’t raise no quitter
By doing this you just pushed the release until the end of baryonic age
Ham er’?
I hardly know her!
Mace became playstation
I disagree because genetic therapy freely available at gatacca levels plus spaceships, and artificial intelligence freely available and fusion tech freely available at the matrix level are inexistent
Reverse heist!
I read coruscantian at first and was thinking about the incident where half a ship shaped ship dropped on us the last week
At least dead ones dont