I lived in those apartments from 2005-2007. Had never heard of the movie until a neighbor friend said “hey check this out”…
I lived in those apartments from 2005-2007. Had never heard of the movie until a neighbor friend said “hey check this out”…
Great movie, very well done… But it’s disturbing as fuck.
Thanks for bringing that memory back up…
Their malbec is so good. Sometimes I’ll spurge on a sometimes MUCH more expensive bottle and 9/10 I regret not just going to Costco and getting theirs.
I tried liftoff a few hours ago and same. Didn’t mind jerboa, but connect just clicked with me… I think because the flow is extremely similar to boost.
I couldn’t shake the same feeling I get when using discord when using liftoff. Just no.
To each their own. That’s why there are options.
Wait? We haven’t already?
For me that’s usually after I had a few adult beverages the night before and my internal filters took a vacation. I either pissed a bunch of people off or said something funny for once.
So say we all!