Uh, I’m not affected. What’s there to pay attention to? Not one single instance have I had, in all of 10+ jobs in my resume, where my LGBTQ status was put into question because it was never a matter on the table to begin with. I never brought it up. I never mentioned or talked about who I was with or seeing. I don’t drop hints, nothing. I didn’t have nosy people, which sounds like what you had and other people.
Anytime I was fired or penalized, it was because of policy violations that amounted to insubordination or just performance in general. Not once, ever, has it been because of my identity. You really must be living in places where you’re running into these issues all of the time, because I don’t.
There goes all of what remains of their integrity.
It just proves further and further that AI by itself is not a bad thing. It’s the intent that man pours into it, that makes it a bad thing.
Whatever man touches, turns to rigor mortis.