SteamOS is compatible with fuckloads of gamepads and gaming peripherals from JoyCons (+ Gyros) to Airpods (Mode switching etc). It might not be best for the custom hardware though.
SteamOS is compatible with fuckloads of gamepads and gaming peripherals from JoyCons (+ Gyros) to Airpods (Mode switching etc). It might not be best for the custom hardware though.
That‘s nice. We have this forepayment discount with all our taxes and tickets instead :D
Turkiye: E-Devlet.
We have this E-Government system that centralizes almost all relations with the State, I really don’t remember when was the last time I saw an official document in paper. With all 1000+ official agencies involved, you can access and manage over 8000+ services like GDPR permissions, analogue tv frequency infos, paying traffic tickets, state-backed escrowing, fraud checks, my kids grades, my medical records etc within an handsome mobile/web app.
It was shocking to see even my German friends still need to use their physical mailboxes to handle official stuff. I can imagine it’s even worse at the rest of the western world.
I happen to use it after the last year’s UI update but UX still needed a lot of work. Did that improved too?
Lucky that I’m a misanthrope so I don’t care about leaving communities and acquaintances behind.
Plain Rice and Spaghetti Ezine Cheese (Turkish white) sandwich
How about Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord? It might be more action oriented than TW but still it’s a decent Kingdom-ing game.
If you like to have a Sci Fi flavor, give Stellaris a shot too!
I can understand people find Apple stuff outrageously expensive and locked down, but come on have some justice on its performance.
I have a dual boot Win/Linux PC with Ryzen 5800x, and an MBP M2 Pro laptop. MBP blows my PC out of the water for my job, which requires hundreds of layers of audio running bazillions of DSPs in real time. Even renders take 30% less time on M2 on my case. And that’s happening on battery.
I never get that much optimized power on my PC. I have to disagree there’s anything out there that performs better for a user just want to have the job done in a reasonable time.
Is it possible to run it in VM?
Edit: it’s meant to run on a vm. cool!
At least I know it’s only Apple tracking me and selling that data to a only handful, premium ad agencies. With Microsoft and Google, I don’t have a faintest idea if any 13 yo bengali kid with fakest company name can bulk purchase my browser history or not.
Yeah, it’s been a breeze since I moved into Apple ecosystem. Nothing really being shoved down your throat feels nice.
Good luck finding anything fanless without being SOC. Though it looks like a Framework would make you happy: