• 1 Post
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2024

  • yogthos: I have problem y. How can I solve problem y?

    StackOverflow: You don’t solve problem y. You solve problem x so that problem y never comes into being.

    yogthos: Oh wow. Shit okay, well what if I’m already having problem y though? How can -

    StackOverflow: bruh. Why are you even still thinking about problem y? Problem y isn’t real; it can’t hurt you. Problem y was just a mirage. Get it? It was a red herring. An epistemological myth you told yourself too many times and started believing. Problem y is just a sickness of the mind made manifest. Cleanse yourself of it.

    lol I know you’re not saying that to be dismissive I just like dramatizing things

  • Weird just means unusual (with slight negative connotations already) . So to use “weird” as an unqualified insult is to say that being unusual is a negative thing in itself. Which echoes the sentiment behind things like xenophobia and such. That’s why people are uncomfortable with this line of political attack, imo.

    To say “there’s good weird and bad weird” doesn’t say much more than that there are ways of being unusual that you view positively and those that you view negatively. But that’s obvious and doesn’t resolve the issue I mentioned before.