Musk said it in Rogan a few weeks ago, and it became a justified belief overnight. It had huge flaws in logic when he said it, and no one who is parroting the talking point today is thinking beyond “the real life Ironman says we live in the matrix”.
Musk said it in Rogan a few weeks ago, and it became a justified belief overnight. It had huge flaws in logic when he said it, and no one who is parroting the talking point today is thinking beyond “the real life Ironman says we live in the matrix”.
If we’re adding somewhat related concepts OP might find interesting, I’ve always thought these were neat: grammatically correct sentences your brain doesn’t process the first time.
High fees, inconsistent/false advertising, burdensome chores? When was this article written, 2017? This has been the state of Airbnb for half its lifetime. There was a year, maybe two, at the very beginning where it truly was “crashing at your friend’s place”, in the same way Uber was “getting a ride from a friend”. Both have become full time corporate institutions with wage slaves pushing a product that’s somehow worse than the original problem (generally due to the lack of regulations around these “gig economy” alternatives), at the detriment of communities and others who attempted to make a living “playing by the rules”.
At this point, if you’re using Airbnb, not only are you impossibly ignorant of the problem, you’re actively contributing to it.
Also, have you used sheets? Hot shit compared to the fucking powerhouse that excel is.
I use edge for my work accounts on my work computers. It’s nice to have passwords auto fill and everything integrated through my windows sign on, and be “air gapped” from my personal stuff. I find experience to be basically identical to my home surfing on other chromium-based browsers.
I mean, Descartes had brain in a vat theories well before the 1980s, and Plato’s allegory of the cave is fundamentally the same. My position was that “the reason we’re talking about it again all of a sudden is because one idiot got on the podcast of another idiot and poorly explained it to the throngs of their uncritical fans”.