is this a joke I’m too hypertense to understand?
is this a joke I’m too hypertense to understand?
your average homeless will sell the house in 5 microseconds for crack money or sign it away under duress.
homeless people need safer shelters, healthcare, detoxing, therapy, coaching and resources to help them out of the downward spiral they are in.
throwing free housing to vulnerable people suffering from addiction and mental illnesses is one of the stupidest things I have heard.
seems like it’s trying to imply that homeless people are homeless because houses are too expensive.
as if the guys in the bottom pic could afford a department in the top picture, but have to live in a tent because housing is expensive.
I think what the meme does say is that OP is mentally 12.
this is not audio specific but just an FYI, reinstalling does nothing on an updated system unless the program files were corrupted somehow, which is not normal.
to really reinstall a program from scratch you have to use apt-get purge or apt purge to ensure that global configurations files are removed, and pay attention to the logs printed out because some files may not be removed.
then, you have to manually delete your user configuration files for those programs, or create a new user un your computer to test it out first to see if user config files are generating any troubles.
just test it out.
some setups will work fine with wayland and some will work better with xorg.
there are of course ways solve those issues, but it’s easier to test both and use the one that works best for you.
wayland is the future, but the present is whatever works best for you.
the worst fucking offender at this has to be Mass Effect, and this is coming from someone who deeply loves Mass Effect.
I don’t buy DLC on principle, I will buy a proper expansion but not a DLC, so when I started Mass Effect 3 I didn’t understand what the fuck was going on. I had to google it because the start of the game ties in with a DLC from the second game, what a crock of shit.
no open carry? what is this? the soviet union?
yeah I got a fancy lab power supply but stopped at oscilloscopes, those things are expensive.
it’s still cheap and fun to do a lot of stuff, but now I wanna build a sound-card based oscilloscope.
does anything create matter? or just transforms it?
you are mistaking having a hobby with having a true passion for something.
the problem is that a lot of people are passionate about nothing.
dd is good if the destination disk is equal or bigger, unless you are brave enough to shrink the source partition.
if you are moving to a smaller disk for whatever reason (hdd to sdd) then you need to fallback to a different method, which takes us back to cp/rsync.
why not? sudo cp -ax
foots the bill.
I assume people prefer rsync because you may need to run it twice, but unless you tick all the boxes rsync won’t copy capabilities (see getcap /usr/bin/rsh
sudo cp -ax is short and sweet and does everything right.
it’s not the recommended way but it’s how I’ve been doing.
you format the new drives and just cp -a -x from the running os to the destination, update the destination fstab, then treat the new drives as an os with a broken boot and continue from there.
meme made by someone without eye problems I imagine.
I cannot see that logo unless I get into an awkward distance, so I’m asking.
do you think the schools have the resources to “launch an investigation” every time there’s a fight? you may end up with one side of the story anyways, that’s ridiculous. don’t ask from a school stuff with what the justice system struggles.