Some Microsoft surface models can run surface-linux pretty well
Some Microsoft surface models can run surface-linux pretty well
Bro missed the last 70 247 years of American politics
tips fedora
It was the khajiit with huge mommy milkers, I swear!
X gon give it to ya
This only works in downtown Raleigh guys, each city has a different angle and pen color. Please check you local facebook group for the correct angle.
SMH my head
With full prejudice -Bing Bong
*Lax Lunger
Use nature’s pocket
Hey, my ancestors sat in a fucking chair and ate doritos while being proud of their ancestors. That’s a tradition I intend to keep
Eat verification McChicken®
After then everytime i tried to open windows it would send me back to the gnu grub screen
Sounds like it did you a favor
Ponder it.