Why do all the memes from .world look like poopoo now?
Why do all the memes from .world look like poopoo now?
Americans need more Mexican propaganda maybe they’d vote an educated socialist if they got their shit together
You better leave @hamid@vegantheoryclub.org 's name out your mouth.
Of course right after I start work 😢 but forreal thanks for all the work y’all do.
I like this one more.
I have a rabbit named Saffron that honks when she’s excited 🐇📯
I love crunchy veggies. Is this why everyone in the office hated me?
Might be worthless to you but that’ll get most of us unlimited beans 🫘
As a bi man I’ve only ever dated subs. I’ve even been asked to bull those subs relationships as they date subs as well. I’d like to have a loving relationship where I’m the sub.
Late stage live is a comedy new channel that feels like older daily show episodes.
👂✋ what’s that being a radical is being vegan?
Mp3 to cdda sounds like shit
Developing Linux is so punk rock 🤘
That’s a very good point. If memory serves Netflix streaming servers did a similar thing.
Fuck that’s good
You sure captain? I have to go to the web site to download load the dankest of memes now 🙏
I’ma reset the app and log back in and hope it works better 🫡