Did you hawk tua on that thang?
Did you hawk tua on that thang?
Can I borrow a dollar
Mistuh beeast is liteweally my faworite person in the whol whorld
Bad dragon, my tiny rose petal still gets sore on rainy days
I heard the number 43 is code for marijuanas
You are motherfucker
Was she your first 🥰
Yeah I know what it means. Don’t you think that’s a little strange coming from mom? Bow chicka wow wow 😽
If you get hung in a rut, you better lock those hubs in. Cat get your tail out the fire!
The what
You are just going to wait indoors 🤣 🤣🤣🤣 which one of the three little pigs are you?
I used to suck dick for blockcain…still do… but I used to too
Damn homie, looks like you need a grinder
I pray to you Jeebus, Buddha, Allah, Satan, Giant sketti monster…PLZ HALP. I mean your own as in the Republican party’s president… sorry for the funky wording teddy brosavelt
Ok ok ok…the porn is going too far and we all know that you all will be the ones suffering…so you need to work on your blatant lies… Your own president paid to sleep with a porn star for heaven’s sake
Is he in prison