They also had a “fire” stick, didn’t they? Not to be confused with Amazon’s fire stick
They also had a “fire” stick, didn’t they? Not to be confused with Amazon’s fire stick
I see these comments are nothing but good discussion!
“Could it be that we pay the top brass too much? Nonono, that’s not it. Cut workers that depend on us to survive.”
“Outperforming” here means extracting as much wealth as possible and consolidating it in the hands of a few. All the while being an absolute detriment to the health of the environment and people it uses to extract said wealth.
But ya! Outperforming!
Expanding on this, I also have wireguard setup if I’m not on my home WiFi so can access “as needed” that way
“Fat trim” is the other one I recently heard, and it’s absolutely the worst one I’ve heard so far. Glad they consider humans working their best as “fat”…
If only they shipped to the US…at least, I didn’t see that option.
What a dive that was!
Holy shit that was a hell of a dive. And no wonder the dude got it working, he was just pounding those “test and translation” commits
But…but…I was told W10 was the last OS I’d ever have to install!!
Edit: context
“Technology” in this instance is “little nozzle pointed at bum” 🙃
Started at college in 08. Multiple Debian internal servers, and now daily driving PopOS since 2018.
No ragrets.
Take your dang up for the light chuckle
Moved into a new house, excited to meet neighbors.
Decide to take the ole 10 y/o pup on a stroll.
Dog ends up having one of her more “anxious” poos on a lush lawn.
As I’m cleaning up, owner comes out and I say some quip about her, ready to introduce myself.
“You need to make your dog learn when to shit, and it best not be on my lawn.”
“Alrighty, well I’ll keep that in mind”
“I taught my dog when and where to shit, and it wasn’t on lawns.”
Repeated, told him have a good one, and continued on. He kept trying to get me to (I guess) admit fault, and I just kept repeating as I cleaned up.
Haven’t gone by that assholes green pasture since, and definitely just assume people with that kind of lawn suck.
Alternatively, set up a VPN into your home and only allow cam access via local network 🙂
As far as network cams are concerned, it’s a pita to find a good one that is also not expensive.
Feel free to correct me, anyone, because I do want a better solution than buying a cheap one and just blocking it from all WAN access in or out.
Y’all has become my goto nowadays, up in the northeast