With projects like these, I’m always torn between thinking that it’s cool it’s possible, and horror that someone somewhere will try to use this in production code.
With projects like these, I’m always torn between thinking that it’s cool it’s possible, and horror that someone somewhere will try to use this in production code.
The only one I really remember is Trogdor, but in order to keep it in my heart, I am a proud owner of Trogdor!!: The Boardgame
Depending on the complexity, there’s also abbrev-mode
: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Abbrevs.html
When I was starting to learn German, I found it quite intimidating, but once I started having a grasp of the language, I found it actually pretty easy. The trick is just being able to recognize the subwords. Take a word like Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung: once you know Arbeit and Schein, it already starts being easier to see the meaning.
Interessant: Ich habe immer an diese Situation gedschty als jemand der die deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft beantragen will. Aber ich glaube du hast Recht und es wird ermöglichen, dass Deutsche im Ausland auch einen ausländischen Pass beantragen dürfen, ohne die deutsche Staatsbürgeeschaft zu verlieren.
Ja, das ist natürlich eine echte Sorge von mir. Ich habe irgendetwas gelesen, dass irgendjemand wollte, dass es in der Zukunft möglich sein soll, die Staatsbürgerschaft von Eingebürgererten wieder wegzunehmen. Aber ich glaube das wurde abgelehnt.
There’s a fork of Openboard that is trying to update it, but AFAIK, it’s not published anywhere yet: https://github.com/Helium314/openboard
I use simplyTel and am pretty happy: https://www.simplytel.de/
Also, I feel way out of touch. I have 3 GB and very rarely reach the limit.
Yeah, and I’m expecting the eait to be even worse once this new law comes through. I’m hoping to at least have everything ready by then, though.
I used Anki, which I’ve used many times in the past for other things. Someone already made a flashcard deck for the Einbürgerungstest, and you could even filter out questions for the other Bundesländer. I was pretty happy with it.
Very good about the chancellors! One of the questions that I didn’t get was “Who was the first chancellor of the united Germany?”, which is indeed Kohl :).
And I was also joking that the real integration test is how you react when they tell you that you’ll receive the results by post. If you nod wisely and agree that’s the only correct way, you’re ready for citizenship :).
Today, I paid for lunch in cash, even though the restaurant accepted card. Exact change. And it was over 10€, but I paid only using coins.
As St IGNUcious said, proprietary software is the sin. Using vi the penance.