“Wohlwissend dass”. Da fehlt mindestens ein “s”. Das einzige, was du versteckt, ist eine Rechtschreibschwäche und das nur mäßig.
“Wohlwissend dass”. Da fehlt mindestens ein “s”. Das einzige, was du versteckt, ist eine Rechtschreibschwäche und das nur mäßig.
Ähm. Leicht missverständlich?
Klagt OP die Bundesregierung an, weil sie kein Verbotsverfahren einleitet oder geht OP vom Einverständnis der Regierung aus und fängt an Häuser nach Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund zum deportierten zu durchsuchen?
Ich würde ja annehmen, ersteres. Aber das Bild ist nun Mal von einem buchstäblichen Nazi der Häuser durchsucht.
Huh. Cool stuff. Today I tee-totally learned something new.
For me it was kind of the opposite. I care less about getting shit faced and more about flavours. Getting buzzed is just a pleasant side effect.
Fair enough I can see that.
Also beverages when hosting a party. No need to buy name brand when store brand is half the cost and will get drank the same anyway.
People will drink it, but they may also remember. I have a cousin at whose house I turn tea-totaller, because the beer & wine they offer at parties is literally the cheapest stuff available and it’s fucking horrible.
Specifically for Ukraine there is also the fact that, when your country is under attack, nationalists are the first ones to sign up to fight the invaders. It’s like their whole thing. And the intersection in the Venn diagram of Nazis and nationalists is usually almost a circle.
It was a “Game Disc” and a “Video Disc”. You could choose to copy the Videos during install or you would have to physically swap discs when you got to a rendered cutscene (which was only between acts, but still).
I’m not down voting you because I disagree with your pick, but because this answer needs to be at the very bottom of the thread.
It’s a trilogy of children’s books, where the first two get a movie each and the last book is split into 2.
I love “yeet cap rn”.
Matlab exists for Linux and is the same as on Windows. LibreOffice is a fully functioning office suit for Linux.
I can’t speak to SOLIDWORKS, their website only lists a windows version. There is however some community work being done here https://github.com/cryinkfly/SOLIDWORKS-for-Linux And it looks like they have it running.
Given that Fedora and Ubuntu are listed on that github, you should probably start with either one of those.
For a complete beginner I’d recommend Ubuntu, since it’s a solid distro with huge wealth on online support available.
Depending on the language it either does nothing and just adds code bloat or (and this would be much worse) it will catch any exception that can be implicitly cast to type Exception and throw it as type Exception. So the next higher scope would not be able to catch e.g. a RuntimeException or w.e. to handle appropriately. It could only catch a regular Exception even if the original error was a more detailed type.
Das sind keine neuen Informationen, er wiederholt nur den offiziellen Standpunkt seiner Behörde.
Hier ist ein Artikel der auf neueren Informationen beruht und einen Animal Origin für wahrscheinlicher erklärt.
Kurzum: Wir werden es wohl niemals mit 100%iger Wahrscheinlichkeit wissen.
Was mich interessiert, was würde eine genaue Erklärung des Ursprungs an unserem Umgang mit C19 ändern?
It depends. If you are the owner of a repository with multiple contributors and have rules for code review, then this makes sense. You create the PR so that someone else can say “Yep, meets our standards/tests/release schedule”.
But if you start doing stuff like this regularly you probably want to migrate the repository to a dedicated account that exists to own that repository, rather than it be your own.
Another reason to use Logitech mice: ease of repair. Apart from skates covering the screws on the underside, Logitech does not use glue to keep it’s mice together. And due to their popularity, replacement parts (including the battery btw) are widely available even for older models.