Anyone remembers DJVU? Whatever happened there.
It’s been ages and ages since I saw this movie, but she didn’t deserve Zane.
So what’s the updated tally for total MSFT layoffs so far?
I have a sneaking suspicion that most memes are from CS students, it all makes sense. People with jobs don’t have time to make memes, get angsty about languages, or syntax issues.
US keeps taking the flame while EU, Bastion of Rights™, just outright banning encryption.
There are way too many Notepad enthusiasts out there.
So DOOM on a subway? Rip and tear.
Can we have butlerian jihad now?
And no, I didn’t like it.
There is no material loss. It’s not that was swimming in cash before.
An electrone app for REST testing? Like running a freight train to move around a couch.
Lemmybrains: You fools! As if I needed evidence to make up my mind.
Gaming laptops are a sham anyway. You are lugging a hunk of a laptop everywhere, on which you’ll play games only in your home.
I too love the made up lore of Linux nerds.
I skimmed this post and came back for the booty. Wonder what do they call him in office?