Wouldn’t the value of this advertising be a direct campaign contribution that could violate campaign finance laws?
Wouldn’t the value of this advertising be a direct campaign contribution that could violate campaign finance laws?
Time by Pink Floyd.
Back in the day. Moped, cassette Walkman, and very early wired earbuds. The engine noise covered the several minutes of ticking in the beginning, so it seemed like the tape had stopped. Then the alarm clocks kicked in and startled me so badly that I almost crashed.
Not free, but I have been using Insync for years and it works well. $30 one time cost, but worth it.
Even Nvidia video works out of the box without any additional drivers.
The thing with Nvidia is that although the default drivers work, they are more generic and don’t take advantage of all of the features and performance of recent cards. Most people would want to load the proprietary drivers from Nvidia to take full advantage of the card.
Linux would normally include the better drivers, but Nvidia keeps them under a software license that prevents Linux distributions from bundling them.
Even with this, Ubuntu includes a tool that will download and install these drivers that they can’t
You don’t need any internet connection to install Ubuntu. Just use the normal install, not minimal network installer. Install from a USB stick.
Also, there’s no requirement for a wire either. If that were the case, you could never install on any modern laptop.
You would need some sort of functioning network to upgrade packages or install anything not in the base image, but this would all be after installation when you have a working OS and wired or wireless won’t matter.
Code security is directly proportional to the amount of resources devoted to finding and fixing bugs regardless of open or closed. If nobody is maintaining the code, it doesn’t matter.
One advantage with open you is that you can look at the version control to see how active the code is being maintained.
New versions of software are released because the older version was lacking in some way. Features, security, functionality.
Lowest number wins.
Does the group have any archive, mailing lists, ticket system, etc, where they work on and document the work that they have been doing?
Past questions and answers will tell you common issues, solutions, should point you towards the areas where you need to focus.
Fiction is fiction.
In real life, stalking the victim for months, sniper shots, or anything that involves any sort of sofisticiation or team of people is asking to get caught.
KISS principle. A successful hit would be as simple as possible, happen fast with no prior interaction, and involve as few people as possible.
But it is likely un-maintainable
investigation into sexual assault and harassment
Assault and not just harassment.
This makes more sense. The headline just says harassment which is generally a civil suit where you get sued but not arrested. Assault is criminal that you will be arrested over.
You can also combine your names into a Linux distribution.
Deb + Ian = Debian.
Since when has any hobby with an engine been “inexpensive”
I was running for a couple of years , and my knee started to give me problems.
I went to an orthopedic Dr, and his advice was to take up swimming and if I wanted to keep running that I should hold on to his business card because someone needed to pay for his kids’ college.
I stopped running soon after and avoided surgery for a decade, but it still caught up with me. Knees are definitely cheap with for-profit healthcare.
Even worse is the CEO.
He needs access to everything and he’s far too important to waste time with security.
Something supported by Rock Box firmware.
Back in the day I flashed a HDD iPad with this open source firmware. ITunes was a system crushing bloated DRM piece of crap. RockBox turned in into a portable hard drive that played everything great.
Back when everyone was failing horribly trying to come up with a new desktop that nobody wanted KDE was the only one to get it right.
Instead of trying to shovel some bullshit “next generation” interface down your throat they decided to make all of the interface parts modular.
If you want traditional start menu you can have it, want Mac style dock got that covered, want a touch/table type interface it’s in there. If you can’t make up your mind you can setup activities to flip back and forth.
Look at mister fancy pants with and assembler.
How about entering straight opcode, operand with only a hex keypad and two pairs of 7 segment LEDs. You can only see one set of numbers at a time. You had to write it out on paper to be able to keep track and count positions so you don’t use your spot.
I had to do this as a project in school. Two 8088 units that we breadboarded to a UART that we used to drive a fiber optic link to communicate with each other with a basic protocol. All descrete components hand wired and coded.
It made you tie all of skills together into a full system of hardware and software.