Damn, imagine your last name is Coomer
Damn, imagine your last name is Coomer
The bread and butter for anyone wanting a TLDR:
The FDO team is right that Hyprland’s community reflects poorly on the Linux desktop community as a whole. Vaxry [the Hyprland Dev] has created a foothold for hate, transphobia, homophobia, bullying, and harassment in the Linux desktop community. We are right to take action to correct this problem.
Respectfully, I will just leave it to those who know how it works and are generally better at coding. My result would anyway be subpar, unstable and inefficient.
I still can’t stream screens via discord and my autoclicker relies on a lib that only works with X
And some lobby bitches say “Schuldenbremse”
Wasserkühlung für den Server
Nature is… healing? I guess?
Not OP, but my personal (mild) meh with Libre is it’s visual style. But to be fair, I use it rarely and for those few occasions I’ve been too lazy to check if there are design alternatives (which most definitely exist, we’re on Linux after all).
It’s a chicken-egg problem. People stay away from Linux because Linux can’t run (or at least very flawed) industry standard programs like Adobes catalogue and those proprietary software publishers wont publish for Linux because there aren’t enough Linux users to be worth the “trouble”.
But that’s just a part of the problem, the true offender, are the goalpost-movers. “Linux cant run A, that’s why I NEED to stay on windows. What? A now runs flawlessly? Well there’s also B which is really important!” No matter how many programs get ported or at least near flawlessly emulated, there will always be one more program our jack-of-all-trades absolutely can’t live without.
Schreiaus an meinen Klassenkameraden, der ein Buch vorgestellt hat, von dem er ausschließlich die Wikipedia-Zusammenfassung gelesen hat.
*grabs popcorn
Das Makima-Strand-Kostüm?
Ach, deutsch, altgriechisch. Das sind doch bürgerliche Kategorien
YouTube empfiehlt dir oft Videos, die Leute in deinem Netzwerk oder deiner Nachbarschaft geschaut wurden, also ist es durchaus möglich, dass der eine oder andere (da du meinst es sei jetzt erst, vielleicht auch neue) Nachbar sich gerne so einen Mist reinzieht. Die Startseite ohne Account ist bei mir schon seit Jahren voll mit AfD- und sonstig rechtem Bullshit, thüringisches Dorf halt.
Meine Tipps (wenn möglich):
IPv6 verwenden um YT zu schauen, die Recommendeds sind dann nicht so regionsspezifisch
YT mit Account schauen und einfach ohne Diskussion die Kanäle blacklisten
(wie auch andere empfohlen haben) Addons wie Unhook verwenden
alternative Frontends mit eigenen Recommendation-Algorithmen verwenden, zB. yewtu.be
falls du zurückstacheln willst, einfach linken YT-content schauen, liken und kommentieren, dem Algorithmus einen runterholen kann jeder.
What games do you play so that nothing works? The only problems I had in over half a year with Linux and pretty much daily gaming are cyberpunk 2.0 (which is nvidias fault and already a lot better with 2.01) and the Xbox service in aoe2. Everything else works perfectly normal, from DOS games like Commander Keen and fate of Atlantis to MMOs like LOTRO and ESO to triple A games like Witcher 3 and Dark Souls 3. They all work perfectly fine and in >90% of cases out of the box, only sometimes do they need minor adjustments like a certain proton version or commands
Jetzt will ich die ao3 Schlagwörter zu dieser Geschichte wissen
Until we welcome the next CEO: Elon Musk
To 4) I might add that OP most likely needs xone to properly use an Xbox One controller (its necessary for wireless, I didn’t check wired)