Let’s appreciate general purpose computers before the war against them will be successful.
Jupp, kenne ich tatsächlich von einem (und nur von diesem einen) Freund aus meiner Kindheit. Heute habe ich selbst Kinder und Freunde sind selbstverständlich jederzeit willkommen.
Vielen Dank! Ganz schön was los in dem Video :D
Was ist der Ursprung von dem Bild?
Nice answer!
The 3-2-1 backup strategy: “Three copies are made of the data to be protected, the copies are stored on two different types of storage media and one copy of the data is sent off site.”
Adobe Reader needing a 5€ subscription for rotating pages. Fuck techno feudalism.
Muss wohl.
Remember Alf? He’s back! In pog form!
Das ist einfach so ein verdammt gruseliges Bild.
Price is not really a factor, as you already have a machine running PiHole. Never tried NextDNS, but I can’t imagine it being easier than Wireguard.
If you’re tech savvy enough to set up PiHole you can also set up a Wireguard VPN.
So it’s the most popular browser because it’s the most popular browser. Got it.
The last time I tried Firefox on a touch device the pitch to zoom function was basically useless. It was nothing but an equivalent to [Ctrl] + [+]. This was some years ago, so it could be better now.
Schon mal heutige Neubaugebiete gesehen? Da sieht jedes verdammte Haus so aus.
That’s the joke, my friend.