Cure for this: start singing “Jessie’s Girl” by Rick Springfield. Works every time.
Cure for this: start singing “Jessie’s Girl” by Rick Springfield. Works every time.
Emailing aside, how did the horse get into that position? Is he walking through a horse tunnel?
Aegis seems to be the winner in this thread. Does anyone have experience with Tofu Authenticator for iOS?
I’m US based. I’ve been to Mexico, Italy, and Ireland. I still feel like a dumb American that thanks of Europe like Disney land. Like it’s just a place to take vacations and not a place where hundreds of millions of people live and work and have complete lives.
I don’t feel well traveled at all.
Not only the quality of the late game in the original. But I remember really liking how combat was only one option and you could talk your way through most situations if you wanted or use stealth or some other option. Until a certain point in the game and it was like I had built my character around this aspect and all of a sudden in the late missions combat was the only option and I was just getting slaughtered and giving up.
Please don’t be first person only.
Another symptom, every tutorial is a video now. I just want to read a quick 1 minute answer with no sound, not watch a 10 minute video and smash subscribe buttons.
Ubisoft has a person who’s job title is “Monetization Director”. Who’s being non-decent now?