Sell them. There is a market for that.
Here, have this useless chatbot instead.
Have you checked your blood pressure?
Unity was a mountain of bugs though. That wasted a lot of goodwill.
Don’t worry, googles AI and monetization will fix their better search eventually.
That does not matter to the case. Its justice, so it must be done. What the media and the public make from it might be another thing entirely of course.
Hello, this is your IT department/Microsoft/the popes second mistress. We need you to test/revalidate/unfuckulate your Microsoft Authenticator by entering this code….
Wer hat denn aus der Union irgendetwas positives über Wagenknecht gesagt?
Günther hat lediglich gesagt, dass man die Linke nicht mit der AfD gleichsetzen sollte. Und dass er Ramelow als Ministerpräsidentenkollege schätzt.
Das finde ich persönlich eine sehr vernünftige Aussage.
Dass Wagenknecht und ihre Hardcore-Anhänger die Linke verlassen haben, dürfte solch eine Entwicklung nur wahrscheinlicher gemacht haben.
This has nothing to do with ssd or their size. Harddisks also have a little spare area (though not as big) and can mark and remap failing sectors.
RAID (1) is still (possibly) good for the only thing it ever was (possibly) good for: Keeping the system running long enough for you to put in a new harddisk if one fails.
Think of industrial systems where every minute of downtime can cost thousands of dollars. And even there the usefulness of RAID can be questioned: should you not in that case have a whole spare system, easy to swap in, because more than just storage can fail?
And what about the RAID controller itself? Does it not add complexity and another point of failure to the whole system?
And most importantly: will anyone actually get notified of a failing disk and replace it quickly? Or will the whole thing just prolong the inevitable?
Would you even trust a system that had one disk fail already to keep going in a critical place? Or would it not be safer to just replace the whole thing anyway after one failure?
Windows 7. no ads, no sudden candy crush, no cloud data stealing.
I agree with Minecraft, just not online and put it on peaceful. But GTA? That must be a joke. Even outside of the missions there is plenty of driving over people, shooting and other events that are inappropriate at that age.
Das sind mal mindestens zwei drittel Putin-Getreue 🤮
Ja, unter den normalen wird die Wahlentscheidung eigentlich um so persönlicher, je weiter „unten“ man ist.
Bei den Extremisten versucht man aber trotzdem hier, auch kommunal Wähler über Unzufriedenheit mit der Bundespolitik zu ködern. Da sind dann an allem, aber auch wirklich allem, am Ende der Rants die Ampel, die Migranten und die linksgrüne Ideologie schuld. Wenn denen ein Hund auf die Wiese macht, dann nur, weil keiner mehr arbeiten will heutzutage, zu viele Asylanten uns die Werte kaputt machen und wahrscheinlich war es Habeck höchstselbst, der das Häufchen gesetzt hat.
For an intel customer 30% IPC improvement (if it is true), and most likely on the same mainboards, must seem absurd.
I didn’t. Have been wondering about „what if“ ever since. So save yourself some grief and do it.