Drinks/imbibes beyond group vibes.
Man, I have a couple friends that have this exact problem and it’s tiresome…
Suit yourself, more soft and fluffy for the rest of us.
I just like my hair short and not in my face. :(
Gotta chime in with the bacon cheddar potato wedges and chili cheese curly fries at Jack in the Box. Jack in general has become shit tier now.
Also, McDonalds used to have a super excellent breakfast burrito with sausage, bacon, peppers, everything. Back when breakfast all day was a thing.
It is. It was just funny how you were edging yourself with it.
Stop edging yourself, you want to say capitalism is the problem so bad.
Having power over others is certainly not system-unique.
Why do it? Money and power.
Porn is more beneficial for humanity than imaginary ownership.
Thus pisses me off. The big fandoms and influencers could move. But all the people are on X. The users couldove, but all the fandoms and influencers are on X. It’s a fucking loop where no one wants to make the first move
We just bumped into the 1.5 degree mark, how are we “making progress” on climate change?
Sorry. Just so hard to be optimistic. 2023 has been BANANAS for global temperatures.
Who? OP? I hope so, this is for their benefit, but I also don’t have anyone to talk to about Doctor Who normally!
As much weird timeline bending as they’ve done, Bi-generation could possibly explain a lot. Remember when 2 met with the Brigadier in The Five Doctors? He clearly knew all about 3 and was talking shit about how he “was not too pleased with his replacement” as if he had already regenerated yet also somehow kept living as 2 for a bit. “I’m not exactly breaking the laws of time, but I am bending them a bit.”
Looping back, I just had a thought… Doesn’t the existence of “Bi-generation” where a Time Lord can split into two entities create a strong case for the origin of The Valeyard? What if Doc 10 bi-generates again, and out comes The Valeyard? He was described as “somewhere between your 12th and final incarnation” back when 13 was the natural number of lives. With The War Doctor, we knew Tennant to actually be 11, but then he also did a weird half regeneration thing as well, didn’t he? That would put his number at 12. And now he is back. Primed to perhaps become The Valeyard as some part of him inside becomes dissatisfied with the domestic life he’s now chosen.
Lol I know! Man. In the 80’s, we had VHS copies my aunt had taped off late night PBS and our recording of Time and The Rani started late, with the Rani entering the TARDIS and we didn’t see the crash. I distinctly remember being VERY confused! But now it all makes sense! Carrot juice! Damn it, Mel!
So I just jumped ahead today and watched Dragonfire, and wow, I forgot how sudden Mel’s decision to leave with Glitz was. So hard headed! She did not want to be second fiddle to the Doc or anyone. You could call it rushed writing, but it somehow enhances her character a lot now with the context of what she said in The Giggle.
I hope we see a lot more of her and UNIT in the next season.
With the return of Mel and the mention of Sabalom Glitz, I decided to go back and watch Trial of a Time Lord. I marathoned all 14 episodes with fairly fresh eyes, I had not watched it in well over a decade. Each story is honestly super well put together, and the stories themselves are pretty interesting sci-fi on their own standing. The way the trial is woven into the stories, the edits, the way characters act “out of character” when in parts that had been manipulated within the Time Lord Matrix, feels well ahead of its time for 1986 television. also, it feels like a waste to have The Valeyard pop up and not be dead at the end, and then we never see him again. Like, that was a huge reveal. The Valeyard is actually The Doctor, but only his dark side, and is looking to eliminate his virtuous half. That honestly sounds like something straight out of modern Dr. Who. I’d always hoped we would see more of him.
I had heard that this season was not well liked, and that Colin Baker was partially to blame for being not very popular as The Doctor… But I dunno. This season feels like an amazing season. I think it’s a shame Baker didn’t get one more season as was originally planned.
Breaking Bad + Better Call Saul