Testing updating the bio from within sync. Final check 🪵
A bit of downtime is good. Gives me chance to work on Sync until the next wave joins.
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This was fixed in the latest update.
45k users in a week with sync.
Yup! Added to help users know it’s me helping on the old sub and now community.
10+ years working on sync and I only added that last year. Been an absolute game changer for support*.
That ain’t me mate
I hear he’s a bit of a dick
5 weeks at 100 hours ish to get to public beta.
Whilst developing sync I’ve been constantly surprised how goddamn fast Lemmy is.
Nope. If I can’t use Sync I won’t use Reddit.
Hey your title has unescaped html in. I’m guessing you’re using sync?
This was a bug in this last release when editing titles. It’s fixed for the next release but I thought I’d give you a heads up.