Well, I tried rolling back to another snapshot and checked my kernel params and its not in there. My port issue seems to be fixed but i still do not boot into the new kernel after updating and rebooting. Edit: I think I need to clean up my /boot directory somehow since it’s partition is not btrfs. But I’m unsure how to do it, or where to read up on it.
Thanks, it’s looking like I’ll be doing a reset. It looks like grub-btrfs creates its own entries and points towards the boot directory within the /.snapshot/ directory, completely ignoring my boot partitions current files.
Ubuntu was never my first choice but was necessary for using my arc380 with plex transcoding. Might as well take this opportunity to move back to debian with bookworm. Only trouble is I would prefer a 6.2 over 6.1 kernel distribution, and while I enjoy arch on my laptops, I’m not sure I’d want to update my server so frequently.