Momentan boomt auch Lack. Der wird traditionell aber eher auf Sylt genossen.
Momentan boomt auch Lack. Der wird traditionell aber eher auf Sylt genossen.
But I like to use Btrfs on top of LUKS and more often than not it’s not an option.
Does it have to be an overlay or would a regular notification that pops up suffice? Those may be quite easy to write fir your chosen DE.
This is pretty verbatim.
Your btrfs snapshots are possibly counted separately by all the regular tools. They simply go into every directory they can find and add up the size of the files they see. They do not care if they are looking at an identical snapshot of the folder next to them, they simply add it all up.
Use sudo btrfs filesystem show
(and maybe add a path behind it, I am not sure). That will give you the true usage.
WhatsApp IST Ende-zu-Ende verschlüsselt und benutzt (fast?) dasselbe Protokoll wie Signal!
Bei Telegram sind die Nachrichten nur transportverschlüsselt, liegen also beim Anbieter frei lesbar rum.
Signal ist nicht nur E2E verschlüsselt, es versucht sogar die Metadaten (“wer schreibt wem und wann?”) zu vermeiden/für die eigenen Server unsichtbar zu machen.
That site is a gold mine!
I’ll look into that, thank you!
Out of curiosity, how did you solve that software wise? I was planning to do the same thing with my old MFP. Are you just using CUPS and SANE?
It’s probably also highly automated and the staff’s job is just to watch for irregularities and alert the necessary teams.
Du hast ideales Gas im feldfreien Raum vergessen!
But it has had networking capabilities for like… ever? RTSP, HTTP, …
Changes are looking good, great to see it is still very active!
Please actually read the post.
How would they earn money on this? It’s still a FOSS project. They are simply revamping their GUI and adding support for one more protocol.
Plex is NOT FOSS! Plex is a private company’s cash cow.
Maybe read more than the headline.
Dude, they are not starting their own ad supported streaming service. They are merely adding dupport for one more streaming protocol that happens to be used for that. If these services were using RTSP for their streams, they’d already be supported. This is absolutely in line with VLC’s swiss army knife-approach.
Otherwise, new GUI sounds good to me. The old one is proven but a bit clunky.
There’s Syncthing and it’s proprietary counterpart Resilio that allow you to sync folders between machines and send individual files over p2p. Very neat software.
Der man ist Experte, lassen Sie ihn durch!
Coming from Rust I am toying around with Lua at the moment. Lua is a small, simple and I would say a very neat language. But for big projects like an entire game I would personally much prefer a “traditional” compiled language like C/C++, Java/C# or Rust. Scripting langs are great for small scopes, but they quickly become a burden for bigger things in my opinion.