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Cake day: April 30th, 2024


  • Technically the Python bool is fine, but it’s part of what makes numpy special. Under the hood numpy uses c type data structures, (can look into cython if you want to learn more).

    It’s part of where the speed comes from for numpy, these more optimized c structures, this means if you want to compare things (say an array of booleans to find if any are false) you either need to slow back down and mix back in Python’s frameworks, or as numpy did, keep everything cython, make your own data type, and keep on trucking knowing everything is compatible.

    There’s probably more reasons, but that’s the main one I see. If they depend on any specific logic (say treating it as an actual boolean and not letting you adding two True values together and getting an int like you do in base Python) then having their own also ensures that logic.