gnu screen is just a different program than tmux. they do the same thing though
gnu screen is just a different program than tmux. they do the same thing though
That’s fair! Takes time to get used to. Modern editors make this easier by highlighting the current indent level, or can even make the top X lines of the current closure “stick” to the top of the editor for those really long blocks.
Correct, I linked the source of the quote. My implication is the general idea is applicable here. Is python one of these languages where it is idiomatic to nest code deeply?
Flat is better than nested.
From the python I have seen and written, deep nesting is avoided.
Just curious, what about spaces made it hard? What language would have been easier? In curly brace languages, 99% of the time, a curly brace is followed by a line break and an indent. Python is similar except it’s typically a colon, line break, then indent.
What I have learned is: If the code is indented too deeply, it’s a code problem, not the language.
Torvalds infamously wrote:
“… if you need more than 3 levels of indentation, you’re screwed anyway, and should fix your program.”
Hold down j
and lmk how smooth it is 😅
I mean, it should be clear. Smooth and fast and snappy. If you don’t want that, use neovim like me :)
Modern OSes handle memory management and background tasks. Unless you have something truly malicious running, you’re just getting in your own way by force quitting apps.
opens htop threateningly
The only reason coders’ computers work better than non-coders’ computers is coders know computers are schizophrenic little children with auto-immune diseases and we don’t beat them when they’re bad.
Well… said?
I think a divorce is like $80 where I am, but if you have to go to court obvs it’s a lot more. I spent almost nothing on my wedding, granted it was just friends and was an elopement. Marriage has big tax advantages for some, and it’s the only way my spouse was getting health insurance to survive this godforsaken wasteland. It also guarantees that they get a slice of my income if the unforeseeable happens and we split so they can survive.
I think people should not see marriage as the end goal, but be pragmatic about its costs and benefits, which I think you are getting at too
I got married to share healthcare and other tax advantages and do not plan to have children. I’m under 30 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Then you should know about methadone and other harm reduction measures intended to help wean people from their addiction or make them safer while they are still under its grip. This is the same idea.
I appreciate the sentiment, but this is less beer versus liquor and more a lethal dose of rat poison vs corn syrup. Both bad, but one a fair but more damaging than the other. (simplifying a lot & not the greatest metaphor, but you get it)
Good luck with sobriety! o7
I think perhaps you should look into this more.
Combustion creates lots of nasty chemicals. Sure vaping has nasty chemicals sometimes too, but if it is properly regulated and studied, it appears to be a great method of harm reduction. Granted, we should take steps to ensure children aren’t tantalized by them as best we can, but let’s not shit on harm reduction.
I take it you have never taken nicotine in any capacity then. This is not “nic sick” but that “first hit of the day.” Happened to me and everyone I knew when i smoked cigs, and when I kicked it for vaping, and when I kicked that for gum, patches, and lozenges. It’s lightheadedness caused by replacing all your air with not air AND the head rush of nicotine.
That said OP should kick the habit if they can anyway (:
If you actually compared the policy positions of both parties around foreign policy, taxation, healthcare, education, gun control… the list goes on – you would know that this argument is disingenuous at best.
Install the fzf integration for ctrl+r fuzzy finding through your entire shell history: